
Donor/Supporter Membership/Sponsorships

$200.00 SUPPORT MEMBER (Includes annual membership, ticket to annual event, listing in event program, and lapel pin) (Quarterly Newsletter – TBD)

Donations – Any Amount (Tax Deductible Applicable)

Individual Sponsorships (Tax Deduction Applicable)

Levels include:

All-Pro ($10,000 and Above)

(Full page Ad in awards program and Name mentioned in select media opportunities. Includes annual membership, 4 tickets to Annual Awards event, and lapel pin) (Quarterly Newsletter – TBD)

All-American ($5,000 – $9,999)

(Full page Ad in awards program and Name mentioned in select media opportunities. Includes annual membership, 4 tickets to Annual Awards event, and lapel pin) (Quarterly Newsletter – TBD)

All-State ($2,500 – $4,999)

(Full page Ad in awards program and select media opportunities. Includes annual membership, 2 tickets to annual event, and lapel pin) (Quarterly Newsletter – TBD)

All-Conference ($1,000 – $2,499)

(Full page Ad in awards program. Includes annual membership, 1 ticket to annual event, and lapel pin) (Quarterly Newsletter – TBD)

Event Sponsorships (Tax Deduction Applicable)

Title Sponsor ($35,000)

Name and Logo of Company prominently displayed and mentioned in all media (Electronic, print, online and signage) usage; Logo displayed on the website; 10 Tickets to Annual Awards event; Special access to select other activities.

Presenting Sponsor ($20,000)

Name and Logo of Company prominently displayed and mentioned in select media (Electronic, print, online and signage) usage; Logo displayed on the website; 8 Tickets to annual Awards event; Special access to other select activities.

Contributing Sponsor ($15,000)

Name and Logo of Company prominently displayed and mentioned in select media (Electronic, print, online and signage) usage; Logo displayed on the website; 8 Tickets to annual Awards event; Special access to select other activities.

BIP Memorial Trophy Presenting Sponsor: $50,000 (A 10-year sponsorship)

Title Presenter of the Trophy and Mention on all media usage. Name and Logo of Company prominently displayed and mentioned in all media (Electronic, print, online and signage) usage; Logo displayed on the website; 12 Tickets to Annual Awards event; Special access to other activities.

Event Attendance Cost: Ticket – $100 each

Advertising (Must be camera ready | Submission Deadline is 30 Days before the Awards Event)

Program Ads
  • Cover /Outside / $500
  • Full Page / $250
  • Donor Listings Page / $20 (Each Name Listing)
  • Inside / $375
  • Half Page / $175